Who’s Responsible For Dis Un?

The heads turn and fingers point. “Surely I am not the one responsible”, is the reoccurring response. What is it with dis anyway? Especially in today’s economy people are dissatisfied, discontent and discouraged. More and more people seem to be riddled with dis-ease. And what are we to do with dis relative, the other un? People scowl as they state that they are unhappy. They may feel unappreciated at home, unaccomplished in their career, all in all completely unsuccessful. Maybe you are unfit and unhealthy, which is making you unproductive at work. It is all so unfair! We can sometimes find ourselves in a downward spiral that continues to spin faster and faster.
But wait! Dis Un isn’t all bad! Let me reach out a helping hand and assist you to discover the way to turn it all around and become unstuck in your current situation! Yes, dissatisfied to satisfied, discontent to content, unhappy to happy, unsuccessful to successful, unfit to fit, and unhealthy to healthy . Even if you are completely discouraged, to find the courage to make the shift. Even if stopping the downward spiral seems unimaginable now, to imagine it vividly and start making it a reality.
Some may chuckle and think that I am unaware of how difficult things, times, or situations may be. Some even have disabilities. I have many disabilities. One for example is the dis-ability to draw a straight line if my life depended on it. Along with many, many other things I do not have the ability to do. But I do know that I am blessed with many abilities. Just as you are. Just as we all are. A dis-ability does not define anyone. Even if someone has the dis-ability to walk, they still have the ability to smile, to talk, to see a beautiful sunset, to touch a loved one, to write his or her own story that no one else can write for them. He or she will change lives because he or she lived.
You may disagree. But we all have a couple things in common that are undisputable. We all have 24 hours in a day. You cannot buy, borrow or transfer even one hour into or from another day. Twenty-four hours in one day, no more, no less. We have been given one brain and one body. Maybe you wish for a different brain or a different body, but non-the-less, you have been given one. And only one. And, you have the ability to make choices. How you choose to use your 24 hours every day is ultimately up to you. How you treat your body is up to you. How you use your brain is completely in your control. This in itself is a marvelous gift!
If you feel uneducated, get educated! Unfit, get fit! Unhappy, find out what will make you happy! I know. It is sometimes easier said than done. Sometimes we just need the right tools. At times the correct tool might be a person. Another time it might be knowledge that is needed. Remember this…you are not on this planet alone. There are resources, tools and people all around you. We are on the planet together to help and assist each other. Use the tools and resources around you to assist you in your quest in making your journey, your journey.
A few things to remember; No one can ruin your day without your permission, most people will be as happy as they decide to be and life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the adventure!
So I ask again…who is responsible for dis un ? Dis un being your health, your mind…your choices…dare I say, your attitudes? Indeed, who is responsible for your life? If asked, I hope you will stand up proudly and state, “I AM!”
On The Way Health offers many different wellness workshops that are wonderful resources and tools in the areas of Wellness, Stress Management, Self-Esteem, Time Management, Life-style Change, Conflict Management and Behavior Modification. Certified Wellness Coaching and Personal Training are also available to assist you in accomplishing your dreams and goals. For more information, visit http://www.OnTheWayHealth.com