Time for a Media Break

Today I had a realization!  I managed to pull myself away for a few minutes and actually start reading a book that I had been anxiously waiting for.  It took me several hours…there were emails, responses to fb, postings to read , blogs  Twitter, etc.  But I finally did it!  I was thoroughly enjoying my book and feeling quite good about myself and rather relaxed.  Ahh, this is great!  And then I read something that hit me right between the eyes!  This is what I read, ” Conscious living means becoming aware of all the choices we have and acting on them.  Break out of the trance! Conscious living involves a realization that we don’t have to run our lives on automatic pilot.  We can turn off the television (remember TV stands for time vacuum), read labels, turn off the lawn sprinklers when we have enough rain, notice how our food tastes, and notice how tense and contracted we are when we drive fifteen mph over the speed limit.  Consciously work on relationships, life goals, and maximize our potential.  An exercise in conscious living: For 3 workdays in a row minimize your attachment to the world of media.  No radio, television, internet, newspaper or magazines.  See what you become aware of about yourself and the world around you. ”

Wow!  I realized that I have been neglecting people in my life and being controlled by social media.  I can be planning on jumping in the shower and an email can have me going in another direction for 2 hours!  Or as much as I love the wonderful advise and articles on my favorite blogs, can they  distract me from what I had orignally planned for the day?  Have I kept my daughter’s and husband waiting while I respond to  someone on a blog, fb or email?  I am sad to say yes.

One of my pet peves is walking into a room and seeing everyone with their own iphone, ipod, DS, laptop or some other technical equipment and ignoring everyone else in the room!  There is nothing like having 6 teenagers sitting there texting their friends who aren’t there and ignoring the ones right there in person!  Ahh, kids these days!  What happened to face-to-face communication?

Now I sit with dirt on my face.  I am as guilty as they are. So, it is time for me to go out and smell the roses….not just read about them online 🙂  I am taking the rest of the week off from the internet!  I am going to put my nose in books I’ve been wanting to read, and spend time with my wonderful husband and daughters before the school rush begins!  So, as much as I love you guys I am going to be working on my health this week. Specifically, my emotional, spiritual and relationship health.  It is all part of the puzzle and all part of being truly healthy.  So see you in a few days!  Cheers to your health!